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overlying deposit中文是什么意思

用"overlying deposit"造句"overlying deposit"怎么读"overlying deposit" in a sentence


  • 表层沉积
  • 表沉积层


  • The geochemical examination of the sandstones and mudstones from the xikang group has led us to conclude that the debris are derived mostly from the surficial rocks and their overlying deposits on the xikang - yunnan ancient land , and tectonic settings display the transition from the passive continental margin to active continental margin and finally to archipelago
  • The factors included the characters of terranes and weak interbeds and the intersections with slope surface ; the characters and combinations of structure joints and the intersections with slope surface ; combinations of lithology ; dualistic structure of m - shaped slope made up of red rockmass and overlying deposit soil
用"overlying deposit"造句  
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